Owin #35 — A path through the weeds?
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With just the three of them functional, Gwen and Owin had to provide much more in the way of assistance. Initially reluctant, Arn finally acquiesced to teaching Gwen how to use the tiller as the realization grew on him that both he and Owin would need to man the oars. Owin could not keep the grin from his face as Arn realized just how far she had exceeded his expectations.
Two days after the brothers had initiated their attack, Owin and Arn struggled to row The Needle toward a sandy beach while Gwen held their course through the choppy waves. Facing backwards, neither Arn nor Owin could see the rocks between them and the shore. Owin trusted Gwen and held his eyes toward her, but the urge to watch for potential threats still filled him. Arn’s frequent head turns betrayed the large man’s fears. However, the ship eventually plowed its way into the sandy shore without encountering any rocks or having any holes ripped in the hull.
“Good job, Girly,” Arn said as he jumped into the surf with a heavy rope in hand.
Owin smiled back at Gwen before turning to watch the shore. The land here lacked the steep rises of the cove where they had picked up the bulk of the cargo. Instead the land sloped gently up for as far as the eye could see and there was no obvious person in sight. However, all the crossbows in the boat sat ready at his feet just in case someone emerged from the tall grasses.
“How long do you think it will be before someone comes?” Gwen asked as she moved around the cargo and past Calvin. The bald man had woken for the landing, but he appeared to have fallen back asleep.
He’s deteriorating, Owin thought before shaking his head. “Hopefully not long, though I’d like to stretch my legs on solid ground for a bit. We’re less than a day from Ertawi. We should be there tomorrow and then Calvin can get some healing.”
Gwen scratched at her scalp and then realized her arm and side also itched. “My skin’s so dry from the salt. I really want to get a bath in something other than the sea.”
Owin did not reach out and pat her shoulder; his sight remained on the tall grasses that covered the shore. “If we can find a stream, I am sure you can get cleaned. If not, after we reach Ertawi.”
Arn moved back across the beach after having tied The Needle to one of a handful of large boulders that were scattered in the sand. “To unload, we’d need at least one more person. We’ll have to wait and hope the tide doesn’t come in too quick.”
Owin nodded his head in agreement, the chests were heavy and they really needed four people to move them. Owin had not bothered asking about the contents or even tried to sneak a look. There had been a time he would have checked to see if there was something useful for him, but I won’t risk Gwen.
Arn waded back into the surf and climbed into the boat. He took a glance at the shoreline and then turned back to Owin. “Look,” he said, his voice low enough that Owin had to struggle to hear him. “I’ve known Denton for a while and he’s a good man, but he’s a hard man. He spoke highly of you and I know whatever he’s got you working on is going to hurt the Duke, and I’m all for that.” Arn glanced back at Calvin, who remained unconscious. “But with you bringing the gir–Gwen along, I am guessing he’s twisted your arm some.”
Owin took a deep breath and then nodded his head. “I’ve known Denton a while as well. He helped a friend of mine and I’m doing this in exchange for that help—that and for some money.”
Arn smiled. “There’s a pirate in you, I knew it.” Growing serious he continued. “You saved my life and have done more than you needed aboard. What I am saying is, when you are done with what you’re doing, if you need passage away to get you and Gwen out, I’ll sail you anywhere you want…within reason.”
Owin pursed his lips. Could Denton be testing me? He knows I want out of this, but this isn’t like him. Making up his mind, he responded, “Arn, I’ll tell you what. I will take you up on that, but not for me. If I live, I can give you the details, but what I really want is to have my friend sailed out of harm’s way. I need her moved someplace safe where I can join her later with Gwen.”
“Deal,” Arn said, extending his hand.
Owin took it and returned the Captain’s strong grip. “Thank you. Just to be upfront with you, it might piss Denton off.”
“Yeah, well, that’s his problem.”
Owin smiled as he slowly began to feel a path forming in the brush he had been fighting through. Now to stop this murder and try to make it out alive. Or first, he thought, seeing a couple of wagons cresting the distant hill, now to survive unloading the boat, then make it the rest of the way to Solva, and then survive stopping the murder.