• Owin

    Owin #32 — Bodies on the beach

    Check out the start of the series. Gwen remained curled up against a large boulder as she watched what she believed to be Warren carry a lamp over to the fire pit. She had done as Owin insisted, moved away…

  • Owin

    Owin #31 — A night on the beach

    Check out the start of the series. “Gwen, let’s bed down over there,” Owin said, pointing a bit of the way up the rise on their far right. The dancing flames of the fire behind him did little to illuminate…

  • Owin

    Owin #30 — More goods for The Needle

    Check out the start of the series. Owin’s apprehension did not fade, though Gwen seemed to settle down after they had eaten some bread and cheese.  Her ease might also have come from the excitement of seeing things she had…

  • Owin

    Owin #28 — Time to leave

    Check out the start of the series. Owin looked toward the farmhouse as he followed Denton onto the road. The smell of cooking sausage escaped an open window. However, neither Inga nor her brother was visible. At least that is…

  • Owin

    Owin #27 — Time to go

    Check out the start of the series. The next morning the calling of a roster woke Owin from his slumber. In the middle of the night, Gwen had rolled against him and she had her head on his arm.  Now…

  • Owin

    Owin #26 — Who Is Denton

    Check out the start of the series. “Denton is a priest of Oron. He sold his services to the Duke when your father and I worked for the Duke.” Gwen wrinkled her brow. “Aren’t the priests of Oron a bit…

  • Owin

    Owin #25 — A History Lesson

    Check out the start of the series. “What did you and my father do?” Owin did not want to meet Gwen’s eyes, but she continued to stare at him. I knew this day would come. Still looking down, he cleared…

  • Owin

    Owin #24 — A visitor

    Check out the start of the series. The work in the Ingle’s fields left Gwen sore and exhausted. Owin fared better, but still ended up with blisters on his hands. Dinner had been generous in size and based on their…

  • Owin

    Owin #23 — A New Job

    Check out the start of the series. Owin tried not to fidget in the new shirt he wore, but the linen itched. Gwen carried his prior shirt, using it to bundle her belongings. “I get to dress as a man,…