Map of the greater area around The Sea of Tet
The Sea of Tet is a large inland sea. Most of the known countries use Tet for commerce and travel. Its waters are often contested and piracy is common, especially in the East, where all recognized countries have fallen to internal strife and war. This eastern area, too close to the mountains, is often referred to as the “Lost Kingdoms”.
The long mountain range stretching from the Southwest to the Northeast is known as the Rim Mountains. Long ago, at the close of the Elven Wars, the elves were driven into these mountains. Human leaders today proclaim their greater dominance and strength in keeping the elves, known as the spawn of the Demon God Elrin, held in check. In truth, the elves, still rife with internal struggles and hatreds, have never recovered their numbers and are unlikely to unify a force to contest the human control of the lands around Tet.
Because of the long running hatred between the elves and the humans, no one, at least no one respectable, lives in “The Bad Lands” which are close to the mountains. Only those fleeing persecution as witches or warlocks, criminals who’s lives are forfeit, and people with nothing left to live for may try to survive in those untamed wilds. Those that do try, always keep their numbers small to avoid the notice of the elves.
The Endless Sea is much more treacherous than Tet and while the histories talk of people coming from lands across its never ending waves, there has been little to no trade or communication with those whole live there.
Nothing is known of the area on the other side of the Rim Mountains. Most believe it to be a great desert of sand, nothing more than a wasteland.