
Monday Musings…no wait, it’s Tuesday

wet trailHoliday weeks are great!  Sometimes you get to spend time with family and friends, other times, you just get to relax.  Of course, the rest of the week is a mess since it is never the day it is supposed to be.  And what’s more, while today my mental clock is behind, by Thursday, I will be certain it should already be Friday and the week will feel longer than most.

For me, this long weekend was actually quite busy with not a lot of rest.  It resulted in a pile of tree limbs I need to cut into pieces (I know if I leave them in my driveway more than a couple more days, someone will be thinking bad thoughts about me).  The yard got mowed, cloths washed, dishes done … ya the really exciting things.  But work on the book also happened, a soccer game attended, kept up with a friend in France, spent time with family … a good weekend.

I also got some hiking in and when rain (and more importantly, lightning) washed out our hiking plans for Monday, we hit the gym for some hill work on the treadmill and Stairmaster.  (I am really wanting the time to fly so my trip to the Smoky Mountains is here.)  Of course, I have a thousand things to get done before I get there.

One of those thousand things is a decisions on a video camera.  I’ve been toying with the idea of doing some vblog entries and I thought I might capture some of the interesting things (hoping there will be some) on my upcoming hiking trip.  The GoPro looks like a strong candidate for durability, but my analytical brain is going to muse over it for a bit longer, no matter what that primal instinct of instant gratification screams.  That’s because my logical half (okay, logical 97.3%) knows that as soon as I dive into doing vblogs, I’ll have to learn new software and spend time editing and tweaking video posts instead of working on novels or cutting up the branches in my front yard.  (I may have just sold myself on the purchase.)

Of course, all these musings makes me long for the good old days of summer vacation and hours of time spent in the pointless, but completely satisfying, pursuits of my younger self.  I had almost started up the PS3 and played a game this weekend, but I spent time with family and friends and took care of the chores around the house instead.  I guess some would say that’s what comes with growing older, but I’m still a kid at heart.  I still want to run around the woods and build snow forts and slide down a muddy slope into a stream … and dream of worlds and people who lead even more interesting lives.

The best part is knowing that I will always be able to do at least some of that … now back to writing down the stories of those interesting worlds and people.