Going To 11

Short, fat … not really proud of that

frown, to much weightAnd as it turns out, I’m not actually that short…about average actually. I do have a small frame and always thought of myself as wiry. Perhaps that is why I tend to game as a thief or a druid when I play D&D. But my weight reads as fat.

On Monday the scale plummeted to 85. That repeats for a second time in my life the heaviest value I have ever measured myself.

About 15 years ago, I had hit this point and managed to shed the weight down to 155 (high school skinny as I like to call it or as one Doctor said to the other Doctor, proper skinny). It’s been about 14 years since I kept the scales needle from growing (I wish I had wanted to play the 10th Doctor back then).

Earlier in August I had given up soda and aside from a couple of sips at the movies and one can of Coke, I’ve actually managed to avoid it. However, I know that won’t fix the weight alone.  The last time I dropped to 155, I counted calories and worked out. Eat less than I burn, I lose weight. At least for me. Since then, I’ve really just grown lazy and stopped paying attention. (In case you haven’t heard, food tastes good, and the food that really tastes good tends to make one fat.)

So, on Monday, I got out the old trusty Lose-It app and started tracking my calories again. The working out is harder. I hear the rowing machine, treadmill, and weights calling me, I just can’t get there at the moment. The office work has me super busy lately and that doesn’t leave time for much else. I am not sure how I am going to fix that problem yet (perhaps sleep is optional???—actually, it’s not, getting enough sleep helps you lose weight). When I figure it out, I will let you know.

Anyway, I thought I would start recording a bit more of this second journey to high school skinny. I remember the last time starting rough, then getting easier…I just don’t remember what caused me to get lazy and stop paying attention. So for the next few weeks, hunger and annoyance will be my friends. Which reminds me, “being hungry is a good thing, being hungry is a good thing, being…”