New Release: Snow Cat’s Shadow
I have had Snow Cat’s Shadow bouncing around in my head for several years now. My biggest challenge had been scaling this epic story down into novel size chunks. Over the last 12 months I’ve managed to finish the first installment of the Snow Cat Series, as well as start a new series featuring Stephenie (Queen of Ista). Both new books are releasing on the same day! (28/29 Feb 2024 depending on time zone.)
The Snow Cat Series will follow Kadia as she decides how she wants to deal with living in a country occupied by southern invaders.
While it is set in the same world as the Queen of Ista Series and Heirs of Cothel Series, the lives of the characters are separate.
You can pre-order the Kindle version of Snow Cat’s Shadow now through my affiliate link.
If you also want a signed physical copy of the new book, I’ll be at Planet Comicon, which takes place in Kansas City this year from 8 to 10 March. It is the 25th anniversary event and there are some great guests.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

New Release: Queen of Ista
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