• Cables

    Cables, so many cables

    I would love to show you some pictures of beautifully managed cables. Precise lines bundled together with ninety degree turns and no loops or sags. Color coded, plastic wrapped wire, secured with coordinated Velcro and zip tied to tracks. Cable…

  • Butterfly

    Psychology and writing

    Psychology: it is the study of the mind. The examining of behavior. The parts that make people who they are in a given situation. It is also an entire line of study in school, and for many, it is a…

  • Working Image of Fjelldal
    World History,  writing

    Fjelldal City Map

    I love maps. Old maps, new maps, maps of actual places, maps of places that only exist in the mind. It could be an obsession. It is a requirement for me to write. Maps keep my mind straight about where…

  • Camera Mount Union

    Camera Mount

    I scoured the Internet, but came up empty. I wanted a camera mount that I had a desk camp at one end, a pole to elevate the camera, and a standard tripod head screw at the top. I looked, and…

  • Flowering Tree

    Keeping Focused on the Diet

    I am still on the diet. This is coming to the end of week 3 of calorie tracking and I am down 5.8 pounds. Surprisingly, these three weeks have been easier than I expected. I have had 5 days where…

  • Berries

    Diet At Home

    Like many people, I have been at home for several weeks now. I'm fortunate enough that my day job allows me to work at home. However, that has allowed for some bad habits to proliferate. Namely, snacking. And I had…

  • Bound

    Bound Is Available!

    Bound is now available! Raised in an isolated Colorado mountain valley and socialized with D&D, after her mother dies, Kyrie must learn to use her powers to stop those hunting her.

  • Bound

    Bound – Coming Soon!

    Bound, the first book in a new series is coming soon! Kyrie, raised by her parents in an isolated Colorado mountain valley, finds her world turned upside down after both of her parents die. Now she has to unravel her…